This thread will be used to list websites relevant to those interested in herbs that have stood the test of time and that are esteemed.
Listed in no particular order:
Southwest School of Botanical Medicine: This website started in 1994 and this site was maintained by Michael Moore, and was last updated by him on July 22, 2008. This website contains a lot of valuable information and the written thoughts of herbalist Michael Moore. There are also some older herbal texts available on this site.
North American Institute of Medical Herbalism: There is a ton of valuable information on this website and this site also hosts the Medical Herbalism Journal.
Henriette's Herbal Homepage: This website is stated to be "one of the oldest and largest herbal medicine sites on the net" and it's been in continuous operation since 1995. Lots of gold nuggets to be found here.
Listed in no particular order:
Southwest School of Botanical Medicine: This website started in 1994 and this site was maintained by Michael Moore, and was last updated by him on July 22, 2008. This website contains a lot of valuable information and the written thoughts of herbalist Michael Moore. There are also some older herbal texts available on this site.
North American Institute of Medical Herbalism: There is a ton of valuable information on this website and this site also hosts the Medical Herbalism Journal.
Henriette's Herbal Homepage: This website is stated to be "one of the oldest and largest herbal medicine sites on the net" and it's been in continuous operation since 1995. Lots of gold nuggets to be found here.