List of European Groups and Associations for Herbalists

Matthew Capowski

Staff member
This thread will be used to create a running list of European Groups and Associations for herbalists or those interested in herbs.

Main Groups

College of Practitions of Phytotherapy

The CPP is a professional membership organization that sets the highest standards of practice in herbal medicine. All new members are qualified to university level 6, have undergone a final clinical exam, and have a minimum of 500 hours clinical training.

Our members’ practices are focused on herbal medicine or phytotherapy. The CPP’s mission is to be an exemplar for this practice, as a strong and effective therapeutic discipline in its own right and as a significant part of the healthcare spectrum.

European Herbal and Traditional Medicine Practitioners Association

The EHTPA was founded in 1993 when it became clear that with the development of the European Union, the legislative framework under which herbal medicine was practised in the UK and Europe was likely to undergo radical change. The main professional herbal practitioner associations in the UK affiliated with the Irish herbal associations to form the European Herbal & Traditional Medicine Practitioners Association (EHTPA).

The EHTPA is an umbrella body which represents professional associations of herbal/traditional medicine practitioners offering variously western herbal medicine, Chinese herbal medicine, Ayurveda and traditional Tibetan medicine. The EHTPA is dedicated to the development of herbal/traditional medicine, preserving and enhancing the legal basis of practice across EU Members States and promoting best practice throughout the traditions.

European Scientific Cooperative on Phytotherapy

ESCOP produces reviews of the therapeutic use of leading herbal medicinal products or herbal drug preparations based on scientific evidence and on leading expertise across Europe.

The British Herbal Medicine Association

The British Herbal Medicine Association was founded in 1964 to advance the science and practice of herbal medicine in the United Kingdom. It promotes the use of herbal medicinal products manufactured to pharmaceutical standards to ensure consistently high quality and effectiveness for the consumer.

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