Multiple sclerosis (MS)

Matthew Capowski

Staff member
This thread will be used to discuss multiple sclerosis.


The Ayurvedic Concept of Multiple Sclerosis is available for $2.99 as a PDF eBook and is recommended as Vaidya Mana Bajracharya was well known asa highly competent and effective Ayurvedic practitioner. You can purchase it here.

The Direct-MS website is a must visit as well:

Since its inception, Direct-MS has focused its research effort on the value of nutritional factors for affecting the MS disease process. Clinical trials involving the recommended nutritional strategies and vitamin D have been funded and completed. Ongoing clinical trials being funded by Direct-MS include the value of the Terry Wahls nutritional recommendations (University of Iowa) and the effect of vitamin D on inflammatory markers (University of Toronto).

An interesting article on the surgical widening of neck veins which is being used for treatment of MS: 'Scientific quackery': UBC study says it's debunked controversial MS procedure

A study about the potential benefit of Vitamin D for multiple sclerosis: