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  1. Bhupinder Singh

    Journals and Professional Publications

    Journal of Ethnopharmacology The Journal of Ethnopharmacology is dedicated to the exchange of information and understandings about people's use of plants, fungi, animals, microorganisms and minerals and their biological and pharmacological effects based on the principles established through...
  2. Bhupinder Singh

    Traditional Indian Foods

    i fear that a lot of knowledge of traditional indian foods has become a memory. even basic things like butter, idli, pickles, sourdough roti, etc. i know it takes time but the proper processing of food provides so many benefits. herbalist too should be preparing wholesome food i liked this...
  3. Bhupinder Singh

    The best place to start?

    it's an older notion but the herbalist has to be held to a higher standard. they represent the practice and must keep its reputation in good standing. you also have to be careful with clients when they're unwilling to follow the recommended diet, lifestyle, and herbs as they may...
  4. Bhupinder Singh

    why is there so much disagreement in the herbal communities?

    i wasn't sure what forum to post this in. i am on a lot of groups and email lists. i am surprised by how little consensus i find. part of it is probably people rooted in different traditions and different locales. fine. that's good. that diversity is good. ayurveda for me is really...
  5. Bhupinder Singh

    Hawthorn (Crataegus sp.)

    love hawthorn as a general heart tonic. use it lots. but have to remember it's sour and heating. i am more careful with it when my client is pitta or has pitta/heat conditions. i have seen pitta people handle it too. its gentle enough sometimes to be tolerated with heat.
  6. Bhupinder Singh

    Overweight / Obesity

    remember that obesity isn't always a kapha disorder. i see lots of time vata caused obesity that people are using kapha remedies for. one hint for vata obesity is the more apple shaped body. and at the extremes of obesity i see a vata cause often too. so don't think obesity = kapha disorder
  7. Bhupinder Singh


    urad is different than most being greasy and warming. not easy to digest.
  8. Bhupinder Singh

    Comfrey (Symphytum officinale)

    be careful with this herb. it's a good herb but be careful. i usually only use it 10 days at a time or so and only a few times in a year. see these links
  9. Bhupinder Singh

    William LeSassier
  10. Bhupinder Singh


    i notice lots of people have problems with legumes. they promote vata. in India you will see we cook them lots of liquid and spices. pungent or aromatic spices. and we cook them well with a fat present. they have lots of fibre and other factors that can make them hard to break down. get...
  11. Bhupinder Singh


    i have seen benefit treating this as a vata condition. i focus on building ojas (immune system) after first doing some cleansing.
  12. Bhupinder Singh

    Sickle Cell Anemia

    i have seen Tumburu (Zanthoxylum alatum) help here.
  13. Bhupinder Singh

    Ayurveda Perspective on Water

    i think we drink too much. if you're thirsty then drink. but don't drink for the sake of drinking. ayurveda says to drink when thirsty. remember, too much water will weaken agni and put some strain on the kidneys. there are times and conditions we do need to intake more water but 8 glasses...
  14. Bhupinder Singh

    Ayurveda Doshas / Tri-dosha Theory

    doshas are not easy to fully grasp. one aspect of them is easy. but they are also subtle. they can be thought of in physical terms but also you can think of them in psychological and energetic senses. physical is easiest. gas, bile, and phlegm. remember that dosha can be thought of from...