Search results

  1. Matthew Capowski

    General Resources for Herbal First Aid

    7Song's YouTube channel has several relevant videos: Also see the resources section of his website:
  2. Matthew Capowski

    Dental Issues

    This thread will be used to discuss dental issues in a more general way. For specific conditions there may be specific threads.
  3. Matthew Capowski

    Ginger (Zingiber officinale)

  4. Matthew Capowski

    Supporting and Building Up the Immune System

    This thread will be used to discuss general approaches for supporting the immune system.
  5. Matthew Capowski

    Making Herbal Oils

    This thread will be used to discuss making herbal oils.
  6. Matthew Capowski

    Fever / Febrile Illness

  7. Matthew Capowski

    Sore Throat

    Todd Caldecott has an article on sore throat (pharyngitis): Laryngitis and Pharyngitis:
  8. Matthew Capowski

    Strep Throat / Streptococcal pharyngitis

    We also have a thread on sore throats:
  9. Matthew Capowski

    Sore Throat
